Aqui pode manter-se atualizado com as últimas notícias do Little Kickers, bem como as histórias do mundo do futebol, desporto, desenvolvimento infantil entre outros tópicos que possa achar interessante.
Why it’s difficult to get a toddler to concentrate read more...
Here is a great interview with our CEO Christine Stanschus! read more...
Little Kickers Northampton Daventry & Rugby held a Football Fun event read more...
You’d have to have been living under a rock for the past few months not to have come across the “Lean In” phenomenon read more...
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Little Kickers - Programa de futebol com interação à língua inglesa para crianças de 1 ano e meio a 7 anos de idade.
Atenção todos os Little Kickers!
Há sempre um método para as nossas "maluquices". Nós criamos jogos que mantêm elementos criativos e imaginativos mas mantendo sempre o focos numa determinada habilidade que as crianças se encontram a praticar. Entendemos que as habilidades podem ser difíceis de detectar já que podemos escondê-las bem . Então, saiba mais sobre o nosso mundo ...
A leading football coach, who believes in "nurturing" children as young as two, has been invited to tell the FA how to develop a successful England national side.
Lenny has created a cool game to help him with his shooting! Challenge someone in your family and see who will win our target practice game!
With the autumnal months fast approaching we spoke to head chef Bryan Haramoto to create us a fun tasting treat for kids in the remaining days of our great British Summer!
On the fence as to if you should sign your child up for a team sport? You should - and here's why!